Sharon Gannon is back in Italy next November 2015, (2015 events are here)
for the presentation of her last translated cook book in italian Recipes of Joy. Read more here
I am so happy to introduce to italian yogini in case they dont know her. I met Sharon in 2008 in London for Yoga Journal italia to interview her and David Life and partecipate to my best yoga workshop ever. Our meeting led to the organization of the first event in Milan in 2009 with 100+ yoga fans from Italy, southern and central Europe. Great success before another success in Rome with the Jivamukti school of Nieves. Here more info about Nieves
Then in 2010 I went in Berlin for the only european workshop with others hundreds of yogini. I cant remember to have practiced with such a number of people, and will always remember that Sharonji say hello to anybody before the practice together. A way to say hello, to say thanks that I learnt from her. Our last meeting was in 2011 for the last presentation of Book in Italy and workshop with Yoga Festival and Eifis (we actually have the same publisher). Great moment of yoga and yoga life.
Now she is coming back so please after reading reserve HERE!
Milan, Rome and Cervia (Venice).
If you read italian I have an article for you writen by Maria Laura Giovagnini, a chief editor in IoDonna with whom I have collaborated as testimonial of Yoga tour 2015 and once practiced yoga.
Here about Yoga tour 2015 with Sharon Gannon
Here about Article about Sharon Gannon 2012
And have a great time.
With great love all is possible.
giovedì 1 ottobre 2015
giovedì 30 luglio 2015
Yoga and tenderness: the gentle side of yoga
Next event in Antibes on August the 2nd 2015
9:30 am - 12
Euro. 35
9:30 am - 12
Euro. 35
Yoga and tenderness
The yoga work (atelier) is focused on finding tenderness (douceur) while practicing dynamic yoga. After practicing with mindfulness, after practicing with breathe awareness, I will present in anteprima her next workshop for Yoga festival Italia "Practicing with tenderness". The daily tenderness teaching (please check for more information) is included into a vinyasa yoga sequence which empower the body and strenghten the mind. The guided meditation will broaden the horinzons to the advanced or beginners. Multilevel and french/english spoken.
Some more details later.
martedì 21 luglio 2015
Yoga, love and miracle for a good health
Yoga can heal? After 15 years of yoga teaching to thousands of persons and following them face to face and with social networks, I wanted to give an answer to this question. My answer comes from somewhere into my mind but not from brain, it is a vertical thinking, nothing to explain, nothing to plan. Half of who is reading now could prefer bill Tara' horizontal words (see below), for the others, the vertical thinking is a feeling, the truth you get in a look, the very first thinking before thinking (which has happened in a before space). What happen before thinking? A simple exercize to understand: breathing check up.
Mukund Bhole ( has set a vertical system from an indian medical 50 years' experience. I would sum it up in "feel instead of think" your yoga practice. Slow your breathe, feel your inspire, extend and relax, then expire.
Use your hands like ears, to feel, experience, perceive the peel contact. Check up your bandhas specially uddiyana bandha on the inspire relax your pelvic area like a lotus flower opening, and on the expire stress a little your pelvic area (scrotum for men). Check up your breathe IN relax and extend, EX stress and contract. Mindfulness is coming back to correct breathe (possibly ujjayi), to your focus (mindfulness and drishti), to right movement (as far as you know them banda and asana). Use compassion it does not matter if you loose the rythm as a student of viola please come back to the starting point for a new play.
The words from the students I listened to at the end of the check up were close to my intent, almost intuitive or not rational. It is so different from what this society used to ask for that I consider a success the affirmation of the rightness to use sound during the asana practice, the right observation that there is nothing to understand but only to feel, and the curiosity around mindfulness as I made it works. In a few words of mine mindfulness applicated to yoga (meditation in movement) is: find your first thinkings, find them right, give them importance.
Before the yoga sequence practice, I guided a moment of mindfulness in order to choose a focus for anybody. The focus helps, as the breathe while someone loose the sense of this work to come back to a starting point. The lost of concentration is not important but the find again of mindfulness practice is mindfulness. Sometimes I say to my students who are disturbed by the external sound of a car in the street or a plane over the city, "if you get disturbed and have many thoughts please put them on the next car/plane which is passing now and let them go. Come back to your breathe. Come back to your focus."
During the asana practice, we are getting slowly in. Building a vinyasa, and mindfuling an asana. For exemple, while practicing crocodile pose, I ask for laying down on the mat, feeling the breathe into the belly, and upward body. Reconnecting to the mindful practice of bandhas. The vinyasa therapy sequence is mostly based on feet standing postures. Getting faster the practice is combined with bija mantra (small primordial sounds).
See min. 4:15 the Shiva rea video click here
Or copy and paste later
See min. 4:15 the Shiva rea video click here
Or copy and paste later
After the one hour dynamic practice, I suggest the candel or the bridge posture but done in a slow motion version, specially while getting out of the posture.
During the relaxation I create positive thinking based on a book or on some reactions at what I have caught from the collective practice. In case I taught to ashtangi, I insist on the necessity to balance the strenght with flexibility (mentally and physically) for exemple. The sense to have practice in slow motion at the begining and at the end. The technics to find when you loose them bandhas, ujjayi and focus. A book I used in the past is Natural mind, natural body of Bill Tara, specially the parts called Wellness tips and The authentic Self. Create manageable goals, make your goals actable and act them. "Goals without actions are wishes. Action without a plan is often chaos and feeds the monkeys. If we do not make plans and commitments to ourselves, our failures can easily disempower us. If we let our vision fuel our desire, we need to let our plans be the engine that moves us forward." (bill Tara).
In a nutshell, yoga is life and lifestyle. To be alive while practicing you need to improve your presence and to be a real person (as you practice yoga) you need to put into practice your self.
giovedì 16 luglio 2015
Good food for mindfulness in Antibes for summer events 2015
The book of Mahiya Zoé Matthews includes the words I was looking for. After a year, working with macrobiotic cooks, authors and speakers, I was seriously thinking about the what is there after macrobiotics?! I got the best from Ohsawa, and its followers, some new generation authors I was daily using the books, but something was missing to me in order to explain how to eat. So I red further more! And Philippe Sionneau with tao explaination about how to cook were enlightening. Then I decided to meet one of this master called Carlo Guglielmo, nearby Torino wgere he found a macrobiotic food company and helped hundreds of people with TCM. Since then, I applicate in my alimentation the 5 transformations cycle and pray before eating. The what was clear to me, and I finally found the How to eat in this Ananda's work. The title of the book was clear : soul full eating. Eating was an action to change the world and my individual and the soul was the motor. The full use of my soul was the condition to make eating a prayer, a mantra or a meditation. Sometimes in my life I met people successing in make a great plate for my soul, silently and personally felt good, but these happy few were in trouble to explain me how to proceed. In a nutshell, the best part of the book is while including prayer, meditation, friendship, mindfulness, engagement. Eating, cooking are the same doing as they say. While Eating/Fasting and Digesting, our inner strenght and character determine our ability to be a peaceful person at home and in the world. Like a training focused on yama practice. I recently called this practice with Mindfulness words instead of yoga words. I include into my evening vinyasa therapy yoga classes, 30 minutes of mindful practice to prepare to diner. With my husband we have done some meetings (called M-eatings) called "Good Nutrition, Good emotions and mindful life can change our life!" because
Tenderness is: preparing ourself to eat good (holy and yummy)
Don Carlo Rochetta, from a conference in Perugia.
Events organized with a spirit of dediction to create a knowledge and counsciousness about food.
August 7th 2015
Next event in Arts Thés Miss in Antibes, for a vegan diner plus an experience of mindfulness. More info below
August 7th 2015
Next event in Arts Thés Miss in Antibes, for a vegan diner plus an experience of mindfulness. More info below
mercoledì 13 maggio 2015
Last minute yoga in Milan May : Vinyasa Padmayoga
lunedì 11 maggio 2015
Italian yoga book tour summer 2015 with Benedetta Spada and Yogadinamico 2015
venerdì 8 maggio 2015
First Yoga meditation inside international airport was done by An italian yoga teacher
After the first experience in San Francisco airport, Venice airport has gone all out for realizing the first live morning yoga sessions in an international airport. The event will consist of having a yoga teacher at your beck and call for a guided 15 minutes mindfulness session insisting on anti panic technics and some exercises against travel stress. Benedetta Spada, an experienced yoga teacher from Milan who has spoken to hundreds of persons as a motivational speaker, and also wrote a book about this, she is the one choosen to bring travelers of the day 4th of April 2014 to relax. She says " Venice airport 15 minutes yoga sessions is the major experiment in the world of free guided wellness as a service to passengers. As I wrote in Yoga in viaggio my last book, travelers need better general conditions on the one hand VIP lounge less overcrowded and public areas less stereotyped but on the other hand more silent in open spaces and valuable experiences to do self relaxation instead of only paid wellness experiences."
domenica 22 marzo 2015
Save the children, save the queen or simply practice yoga and love to change your life?!
At home my father often quotes Adorno, Jung but I found in Dostoyevsky the light about my Love focus of the day. I wrote "l'unico inferno è l'incapacità di amare", that I freely translate by the english words "Hell on earth is the incapability to love!". I believe that before to speak about Save the earth, the children or the whole humanity, one need some more love, the world needs spirituality! And this focus, begins now with you and me, choosing life, choosing to involve ourself in goodness, fairness, truth for truth, consistency... I love english language because it does not allow to interpretation like italian language. CONSISTENCY is my political programme. I guess I wrote too much words, although I wanted to mean love, to mean respect. Life is a gift so what do you wait to put ourself on the job!
benedetta spada yoga,
best yoga blog,
global meditation event,
italian yoga blog,
jivamukti yoga milan,
Sharon gannon jivamukti,
vinyasa flow yoga,
yoga dinamico facile
Milano, Italia
venerdì 20 marzo 2015
Free yoga class with Benedetta Spada in Milan for sun Eclipse 2015 and Spring celebration
Yoga Festival, in partnership with City of Milan, asked for Benedetta Spada to lead a meditation and sun salutation serie during the celebration of the sun eclipse. At the same time hundreds of partecipants have greeted the italian early spring.
I have been asked to partecipate (as a teacher) to Eclipse and spring 2015 celebrations with all Yoga festival friends, yoga students, and citizens connected in less than 48 hours to this event. The idea was so great I decided to change my plans of the weekend and serve the Holy spirit and my City. So we had an appointment in a city park nearby Planetario at 10 a.m. all together, the sky was cloudy but the faces of the people were shining. I guess people arrived in vespa, bicycle, train and car. Yoga mats everywhere by the tiny streets, yoga mats opened silently during more than an hour and lets practice a few Sun salutations and some more.
Why did I partecipate in? For a sense of yoga community, to make me well being, finally because I had something to say to these people. Shadow and light are the same. It is not true to think one is better than another. They are the two faces of a medal, separated and complementary. Put together our Light and our shadow is yoga. The way to do it is simple as repeating the phrase "even if me (say your name) I have my pains, my shadows, I decide now to be alive, I choose life and Light." Accepting these two parts and this union is yoga. The World need renaissance, need a guided wellness opportunity, need positive characters by the street.
Press about:
Press about:
mercoledì 4 marzo 2015
Jivamukti jules Febre in Milan 2nd of April 2015
A few words as requested to me to present Jivamukti Jules Febre next event in Milan (Italy). In 2009 with Sharon Gannon and David Life and in 2011 with Gabriella Bozic, Benedetta Spada was the city tour partner, but in 2015 I will have a partnership with Federazione Italiana Yoga e Sport, a new taskforce of italian yoga teachers. Thanks to all. Enclosed tou will find the event description and the few information I collected about Jules Febre.
Jivamukti Yoga - Hip Hop Asana™Fun sequencing distinct to the Jivamukti Yoga method will warm you up and keep you cookin'. Come prepared for an upbeat session with great music and sequences. This is classic Jivamukti: original, sequential, inspired with spirit, and a little wild. A vigorous Jivamukti Yoga class for all levels of practitioner.Bio: Jules Febre, nephew and closest student of Jivamukti founders Sharon Gannon and David Life.
MILAN Organization for the 2nd of April 2015Jules Febre is an internationally acclaimed Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher. He began his practice at the age of 6. In his early teens, Jules spent time traveling in India with David Life. During that time he was invited to share satsang with Swami Nirmalananda and Shyam Das, two radical yogis, as well as studying Ashtanga Yoga with Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois - three great beings that have each helped to add to the progression of yoga in the West. Jules travels the world teaching Jivamukti Yoga, Hip Hop Asana, as well as immersion programs and retreats. He leads the 300-Hour Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Programs in addition to mentoring in the 800-Hour Jivamukti Apprenticeship Program. With a desire to serve the community in which he was raised, Jules also teaches in youth development programs, prisons, and probation centers in New York City and around the world. He is a featured teacher at the US Yoga Journal Conferences and many international yoga festivals throughout the world. Having appeared in multiple magazines, on television and radio, he is recognized for his unique self-expression and a progressive teaching style that is filled with fun, humor and inspiration. Jules teaches a rigorous class with creative sequencing permeated by yoga philosophy with joyful wisdom that inspires, uplifts and serves all those he meets. Jules gives thanks to his Gurus Sharon Gannon and David Life and life long mentor Yogeswari.With great love ALL is possible
MILAN location : Spera Bikram
last minute reservation on phone 3924935761
last minute article about us :
Some more events coming in Europe: Rome, Berne, Zurich, Barcelona, Eindhoven, Amsterdam watch out and partecipate webpage here: contact here:
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