domenica 22 marzo 2015

Save the children, save the queen or simply practice yoga and love to change your life?!

At home my father often quotes Adorno, Jung  but I found in Dostoyevsky the light about my Love focus of the day. I wrote "l'unico inferno è l'incapacità di amare", that I freely translate by the english words "Hell on earth is the incapability to love!". I believe that before to speak about Save the earth, the children or the whole humanity, one need some more love, the world needs spirituality! And this focus, begins now with you and me, choosing life, choosing to involve ourself in goodness, fairness, truth for truth, consistency... I love english language because it does not allow to interpretation like italian language. CONSISTENCY is my political programme. I guess I wrote too much  words, although I wanted to mean love, to mean respect. Life is a gift so what do you wait to put ourself on the job!

venerdì 20 marzo 2015

Free yoga class with Benedetta Spada in Milan for sun Eclipse 2015 and Spring celebration

Yoga Festival, in partnership with City of Milan, asked for Benedetta Spada to lead a meditation and sun salutation serie during the celebration of the sun eclipse. At the same time hundreds of partecipants have greeted the italian early spring.
I have been asked to partecipate (as a teacher) to Eclipse and spring 2015 celebrations with all Yoga festival friends, yoga students, and citizens connected in less than 48 hours to this event. The idea was so great I decided to change my plans of the weekend and serve the Holy spirit and my City. So we had an appointment in a city park nearby Planetario at 10 a.m. all together, the sky was cloudy but the faces of the people were shining. I guess people arrived in vespa, bicycle, train and car. Yoga mats everywhere by the tiny streets, yoga mats opened silently during more than an hour and lets practice a few Sun salutations and some more.
Why did I partecipate in? For a sense of yoga community, to make me well being, finally because I had something to say to these people. Shadow and light are the same. It is not true to think one is better than another. They are the two faces of a medal, separated and complementary. Put together our Light and our shadow is yoga. The way to do it is simple as repeating the phrase "even if me (say your name) I have my pains, my shadows, I decide now to be alive, I choose life and Light." Accepting these two parts and this union is yoga. The World need renaissance, need a guided wellness opportunity, need positive characters by the street.

Press about:


mercoledì 4 marzo 2015

Jivamukti jules Febre in Milan 2nd of April 2015

A few words as requested to me to present Jivamukti Jules Febre next event in Milan (Italy). In 2009 with Sharon Gannon and David Life and in 2011 with Gabriella Bozic, Benedetta Spada was the city tour partner, but in 2015 I will have a partnership with Federazione Italiana Yoga e Sport, a new taskforce of italian yoga teachers. Thanks to all. Enclosed tou will find the event description and the few information I collected about Jules Febre.
Jivamukti Yoga - Hip Hop Asana
Fun sequencing distinct to the Jivamukti Yoga method will warm you up and keep you cookin'. Come prepared for an upbeat session with great music and sequences. This is classic Jivamukti: original, sequential, inspired with spirit, and a little wild. A vigorous Jivamukti Yoga class for all levels of practitioner.

Bio: Jules Febre, nephew and closest student of Jivamukti founders Sharon Gannon and David Life.
Jules Febre is an internationally acclaimed Advanced Certified Jivamukti Yoga Teacher. He began his practice at the age of 6. In his early teens, Jules spent time traveling in India with David Life. During that time he was invited to share satsang with Swami Nirmalananda and Shyam Das, two radical yogis, as well as studying Ashtanga Yoga with Sri. K. Pattabhi Jois - three great beings that have each helped to add to the progression of yoga in the West. Jules travels the world teaching Jivamukti Yoga, Hip Hop Asana, as well as immersion programs and retreats.  He leads the 300-Hour Jivamukti Yoga Teacher Training Programs in addition to mentoring in the 800-Hour Jivamukti Apprenticeship ProgramWith a desire to serve the community in which he was raised, Jules also teaches in youth development programs, prisons, and probation centers in New York City and around the world. He is a featured teacher at the US Yoga Journal Conferences and many international yoga festivals throughout the world. Having appeared in multiple magazines, on television and radio, he is recognized for his unique self-expression and a progressive teaching style that is filled with fun, humor and inspiration. Jules teaches a rigorous class with creative sequencing permeated by yoga philosophy with joyful wisdom that inspires, uplifts and serves all those he meets. Jules gives thanks to his Gurus Sharon Gannon and David Life and life long mentor Yogeswari.

With great love ALL is possible
MILAN Organization for the 2nd of April 2015
MILAN location : Spera Bikram

last minute reservation on phone 3924935761
last minute article about us :
Reservation webpage here:
Information contact here:
Some more events coming in Europe: Rome, Berne, Zurich, Barcelona, Eindhoven, Amsterdam watch out and partecipate