Workshop con Benedetta Spada
Our yoga meeting will focus on detox and relaxing techniches, very simple to bring into your dauly life, while traveling and working. Be happy is possible now!
Benedetta Spada was born in Milan, where she has studied Geography and Anthropology at the University, in the meantime she has worked with italian dancers and theater performers, before to dedicate herself to yoga and to alternative therapy. Since then she has worked in Radio Montecarlo, yoga festival and italian tv to promote yoga for the people anywhere.
At 21 years old she become a certified yoga teacher, after a few travels around the world to meet masters of life such as Carlo Patrian, Alejandro Jodorowski, she met in 2009 Sharon Gannon. At 28 she has done a few experiences of yoga studio management, then decide to teach for theater performers during her shows to improve stress management and, at the office during the week to desacralize the work time and place. She also teachs at home, and traveling.
She collaborate with Yoga Journal italy, Yoga festival Milano, she wrote 3 yoga books including Yoga in viaggio (Eifis editore).
At 21 years old she become a certified yoga teacher, after a few travels around the world to meet masters of life such as Carlo Patrian, Alejandro Jodorowski, she met in 2009 Sharon Gannon. At 28 she has done a few experiences of yoga studio management, then decide to teach for theater performers during her shows to improve stress management and, at the office during the week to desacralize the work time and place. She also teachs at home, and traveling.
She collaborate with Yoga Journal italy, Yoga festival Milano, she wrote 3 yoga books including Yoga in viaggio (Eifis editore).
Durante l’incontro, saranno spiegate ed eseguite sequenze, esercizi, tecniche detox e rilassamento utili non solo a vivere meglio ma anche a ridurre stati di stress, curare corpo e mente:
imparare ad essere felici e sani si può!
imparare ad essere felici e sani si può!
Benedetta Spada insegna yoga dinamico, meditazione e alimentazione consapevole (etica, sana, amorevole, naturale). Collabora come giornalista per Yoga Journal e altre testate, con Radio Montecarlo e Tv private promuovendo uno yoga svincolato da dogmi o spazi... il suo mantra e': "lo yoga e' per tutti!” Da anni tiene corsi per artisti, aziende, privati e tour- workshop in tutto il mondo. Nel 2013 nasce il suo progetto intitolato "Yoga travel detox ", il cui fine è quello di avvicinare allo yoga più persone insegnando che yoga è consapevolezza del respiro… al lavoro, in famiglia, a casa da soli, mangiando, cucinando.